Indonesian Songs

While staying with Ibu Anne, we brainstormed for songs that we felt could be used with Indonesian primary school classes. This songs included in this selection could either be used as a brain break, linked to a TPR activity (stop & do ‘X’ when the music stops) or if the lyrics are suitable, as the basis for a unit of work.
Here they are and if you can think of any more, please add them in the comments below!

Aku seorang kapiten

Anak ayam

Anak Kambing or here for a different version

Anjingku – couldn’t find a video for this one!

Ayo mama

Bagun tidur or try this song!


Burung hantu

Burung Kakak tua

Cicak, cicak di Dingding

Disini senang

Dua mata mata


Kalau kau suka hati

Kelasku yg baru

Kring kring kring, ada sepeda


Main ayunan

Main galah – couldn’t find a video for this one!

Naik delman

Naik naik ke puncak gunung

Nona manis

Panjang umurnya


Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan

Satu, Satu, Sayang Ibu

Selamat pagi Ibu guru

Tari tepuk tangan

Tik Tik tik Hujan

topi saya bundah

2 thoughts on “Indonesian Songs

  1. Tanya Harrison says:

    Hi. Have you tried singing “Panjang umurnya” in a slow pirate voice? “Serta muli-Aaaarr!” It works really well. I like to give the birthday children a few choices, like really slow (lambat sekali), really fast (cepat sekali) or opera voice (or whatever they come up with).
    I also sing “Selamat Hari Nata” (dan Tahun Baru) and at our school we sing Christmas Carols.

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